Shanghai Austrian Economics Summit

International Society for Individual Liberty


Austrian Economics Summit

Asia Regional Conference

July 20-23, 2012



DoubleTree by Hilton



Along with the fall of the Soviet Union, the world’s most momentous story of the last 30 years has been the rise of China from communist basketcase to a largely free-market economic powerhouse, yet still under the rule of the Communist Party.  The situation is highly complex.

Li Zhao Schoolland, a native of mainland China, informs us that there is a considerable free-market intellectual network in China.  Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty has been a bestseller.  Many other translated works on liberty are widely available.

The past two years, Li has organized highly successful student Austrian Economics Summer Seminars at Northeastern University in Shenyang, and will do a third one in July, 2012.  ISIL has provided financial support to these student seminars.

Li is also organizing this free-market symposium in Shanghai at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, running from evening July 20th through the 22nd, with checkout on the 23rd, plus post-conference tour options. 

ISIL is co-sponsoring the conference as an Asian regional event, and is encouraging international libertarians to attend and to explore this fascinating country.

The goal of the 2012 Shanghai conference is to expound on free-market ideas to a Chinese audience and to learn what free-market economists are doing in China. There will be three groups in attendance: 1) international attendees who are interested in both free markets and China; 2) Chinese academic and research economists who are interested in free-market ideas; and 3) university students who want to learn about free-market principles that are not taught in China.

This symposium is not affiliated with any government institutions in China. Therefore it is not registered with the Chinese government, but it is totally safe. Li just returned from a two-week planning trip to Shanghai where she met with many of the libertarian activists and academics. The Chinese label this summer symposium “a private intellectual dialogue, aiming to help China to grow.”


Sign up now and enjoy a great bargain on the all-inclusive conference package (three nights at the 5-Star Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, conference program, opening reception, coffee breaks, and all meals including the gala closing banquet). Hilton offers the best services for people traveling the world, including China. For all your travel and accommodation information for the Shanghai DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel

The Early Bird fee for Shanghai is just US$910 (shared room), and US$1066 single room.

To sign-up for the conference, visit  And whether or not you can make it to China, please consider a donation to the student scholarship or speaker funds (tax-deductible in the USA).


Visa information is available from the Chinese embassy here

A visa application form can be found here

Travelers should apply for a Tourist L visa, multiple entry valid one year. Any hotel name can be used in the application. If you’re going on the whole tour, the whole tour should be listed as the destination, not just Shanghai

Visa applications should be submitted early as the government is tightening up on visiting journalists and researchers. Extra caution should be given to avoid politically sensitive affiliations that are beyond student, teacher, consultant, self-employed, retired, etc. Please contact for questions and guidance regarding the visa application.

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